Home of the World-Class
Redboy · Jocko · Bolio · Jeep Dogs
Welcome to Ready Red Kennels
Home of some of the best Authentic American Pitbull Terriers of modern times. Here you will find some of the best Reboy/Jocko/Bolio/Tombstone/Jeep dogs! We are preserving the original bloodlines of the American Pitbull Terrier for many generations to come. Our dogs are from the original game bred bloodlines of the American Pitbull Terrier; However, we do not condone dog fighting or animal cruelty whatsoever and no dog purchased from Ready Red Kennels is sold for anything illegal.
When a dog is purchased from us you agree to use the dog for family pet, hog hunting, weight pull, or confirmation shows only. We love our dogs dearly and will not put them in harms way at the hands of an idiot. These dogs deserve a good home and plenty of love. If you cannot agree that the loyalty that these dogs embody for their owner is second to none, and for that reason alone they deserve the most care; then simply do not buy a dog from us.
On another more positive note the majority of our customers are pleased with the dogs we have sold. We are committed to continuously breeding dogs of great families that carry sound attitudes, abilities and conformation. Thanks for visiting our site!
“In a world void of Loyalty, these dogs have conquered the very essence of the world”.


Lil Yellowman

Lil Scrappy
